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Commercial Property Claims

Maple Leaf Public Adjusters will help navigate your property claim thoroughly and help you earn the most compensation for your commercial property. Our expert public adjusters are equipped to navigate the evolving complexities of claims filed for business spaces. We possess years of experience documenting our clients’ cases and presenting fair negotiations with insurance companies. We’re here to advocate for your just compensation after your business is impacted. We help the business get back to normal.

a consultant consulting client

The Most Common Types of Business Buildings

Filing a claim for a business building can prove especially difficult. Among the most significant obstacles surrounding business building claims is responsibility. If a damaged building is rented out or different businesses share a space, determining policyholders can become tricky. Damage sustained by multiple companies because of the exact cause can thicken the situation’s complexity. The types of business buildings include, but are not limited to:

  • Offices: A company headquarters or any space where official business is conducted.
  • Factories and Warehouses: These are the spaces where goods are manufactured or stored.
  • Hospitals: Any space where citizens receive their medical care and doctors operate.
  • Restaurants: Business properties where people dine, drink, and spend leisure time.
  • Shopping Centers: A mall or any independent or shared space that conducts business.

The Six Main Types of Business Damage

Figuring out claims for business spaces is typically more complex than the average claim. A detailed investigation is required if you want to restore your building to its original condition. If your business shares a space with other companies affected by damage, there may be conflicting parties involved who have separate interests, complicating the issue further. If your building sustains damage due to the following, we recommend consulting with our adjusters:


When your building sustains damage due to flame or smoke.


Damage caused by broken pipes, flooding, or leaking.


Damages that occur because of severe weather.


When thieves break in, enter, and steal from your business.


The act of defacing or destroying your building on purpose.


When your building caves in or falls due to structural failure.

three people in frame discussing things

Restore Pre-Loss Conditions With a Free Inspection

When your business sustains damage due to fire, collapse, or other unfortunate circumstances, you want to get back to normal as soon as possible. Our adjusters will conduct a proper inspection, evaluating the details of your case and navigating the ever-changing field of business damage claims. We’ll make you feel secure and confident on your way back towards the pre-loss condition.

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